Congratulations! Here's What Happens Next...
Step #1 - Connect with me on Messenger
If we're not already connected on Messenger, please send me a message after clicking on the button below. If you absolutely don't want to use Messenger, you can email me, but Messenger will give you a much richer coaching experience, as I'll be able to leave you voice notes etc.
I always try my best to get to your questions as quickly as possible -- even sometimes in evenings and weekends -- but note that we do observe Sabbath, so that means I'm unable to respond between sunset Friday and sunset Saturday (central time). Hope you understand.
Step #2 - Create your bio
This short bio will be used on your welcome page after people opt in to your email list. It's used to help people connect with you, and to build trust. Open the document below for quick guidance on how to create your bio.
Step #3 - Start gathering your info
Please take a copy of this Google Sheet (or this one if you're going with the Survival niche only) and start completing all the necessary info that you will gather in the following steps. This is how you'll submit your info to us later on. Please watch the video below to get a quick walkthrough of the Google Sheet. IMPORTANT: please do not request edit access for this sheet; instead follow the instructions highlighted in yellow at the top of the sheet. Thanks!
Step #4 - Sign up for your affiliate programs
So that you can receive commissions for the products we'll be promoting in your email autoresponder, please open the document below and follow the instructions in it. Make a note of your affiliate links in a safe place. All of the programs are free to join. If you're going with the Survival niche, then go here instead of clicking below.
Step #5 - Choose your domain name
You'll need a domain name (something.com) to use to send your emails from, and for your funnel. Please click the button below and follow the guidance to choose one. Don't purchase it just yet though, please let me review it first (simply drop me a message on Messenger to run it by me).
Step #6 - Send me your details
When you've completed the steps above, simply grab grab the link to the Google Sheet I mentioned in Step #2 above, and send it to me in an email, via the button below.
Step #7 - Log into the course
I saved this step to last, because I'd prefer you focus on the above steps before getting into the course. Remember, you should skip the "Niche & Product Selection" module (but don't skip the "Keywords" lesson), and also skip the "Business Setup" module.
Your login details were emailed to you when you signed up, but may have landed in spam/junk so please check there for an email from ThriveCart (our course platform) if you don't see it in your inbox.