0. Overview
1. Email forwarding
Additional Notes
For email forwarding in Namecheap, if the client email address is client@clientdomain.com and your email is outsourcer@outsourcerdomain.com, then the settings in Namecheap should be as follows:
Alias = client [i.e. everything before the "@" sign in the client email address]
Forward to = outsourcer@outsourcerdomain.com [i.e. your email address]
1.5. Get Systeme.io account & affiliate link
2. Point domain at Systeme.io
3. Add domain redirect
4. Validate email and domain
Additional Notes
Note that when setting the Name of the CNAME in Namecheap, we ONLY use the part of the string indicated by the red box in the image below.
Now also need to add a DMARC record to DNS, as follows.

5. Finish email settings
6. Share funnel & emails
The buttons below will share the pre-built funnel & email campaign into the client's Systeme.io account. Be sure to log into the client account first, and only click each button ONCE!
7. Connect funnel & campaign
8. Shorten links in Bitly
9. Set bridge page bio & link
Additional Notes
If the client has supplied a photo, then:
- if the image is more than about 200KB then it should first be resized using a utility like this one
- it should then be inserted just below the first button on the bridge page, as indicated in the image below.

10. Edit terms & privacy pages
11. Set bio & name in welcome email
12. Set links & signature in emails
13. Finalize domain config
14. Reset email forwarding
Additional Notes
Note that the email address used here should NOT be the custom domain email address that you used in Systeme (that will result in an infinite redirect loop!). Instead please use the personal email address supplied in the Google Sheet in the "Your email:" field. This is likely to be a Gmail or Outlook type email address.
15. Test the funnel
16. Deliver your work!
Once you're done and the funnel has been successfully tested, let me know by messaging me on Messenger via the link below.